Now Exists A Gaping Void

Now I can rest assured that my Timeline-gobbling rant of 10 days ago isn't the reason Hugh MacLeod closed shop. It was only reason he stopped Following me.

This is a bold and courageous move as Twitter is becoming a vortex - perhaps a vital one - in which I find it hard to manage or even attend to real life.

An artist's aura of empathy is a precious field which can so easily be corrupted by distraction; even good distraction.

I look forward the 2008 panel on the History of Your Blog.

I thank you for your thoughtful discourse in the Twitter Timeline on the legacy of W. and the ramifications of the 49th Parallel.

Say what you will of Twitter but it is quite unlikely that I would have had the opportunity to converse with the likes of Steve Gillmor, Laura Fitton and yourself without it.

Now, I'm going to text @mydishes and tell them to wash themselves so I can check my current replies.